In the fourth and final installment of the “SMS Mysteries” series, DTS Software CTO Steve Pryor talked about the role Storage Groups play in DFSMS. The Storage Group is one of the most important SMS constructs, and can have a major effect on datasets, volumes, and storage managers such as DFSMShsm and FDRABR.
Despite its significance in day-to-day operations, the Storage Group is also one of the most misunderstood constructs, which is why Pryor covered the seven different types of Storage Groups. He touched on how each one can impact the availability of free space in the system and the placement of datasets on volumes, and offered some best practices for defining and using them to maximize reliability.
If you missed the live webinar you can still watch it on demand. Simply visit our webinars page to view this presentation, the other three parts in the SMS Mysteries series, and many more – all at your convenience.
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