Voice Automation on Alexa (VAA) for z/OS
Because voice-enabled apps are so easy to use, DTS Software developed a voice-activated user interface for IT professionals and DevOp teams to get alerts and updates for their z/OS mainframes.

Simple & Secure
This application is a simple secure connector for Alexa on z/OS that will allow you to voice activate a variety of functions:
Tailored Commands
Different types of Alexa commands can include: status, list, stop, start (submit), message, alerts, graph.
Data Analytics
Identify various volumes and storgrps.
Simplify Functions
Utilize REXX codes to perform z/OS functions and confirm REXX exec.
z/OS Alerts
Receive alerts from z/OS in its DTS SCC Rails App configuration, accessed easily through a voice command such as “Alexa, what did I miss?
Voice-Activated Reporting
Generate a list of items or even a graph that can show on your screen, through commands such as “Alexa, graph the pool free space,” or other quick reporting voice commands.
Easy Customization
Asking other commands like “list systems,” “what is the status” of a job, to “what is the system status” gives you the information you need instantly.