Register for Webinars
Welcome to the DTS Software Webinar registration page. Our company periodically schedules 40-60 minute webinar sessions about DTS products and/or product features. Please use the following links to reserve your space.
TITLE: The Other Parts of SMS
HELD ON: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
DETAILS: You know about the SMS constructs – data class, storage class, and so on. You know about the ACS routines. But there are other, lesser-known components of the storage management system that can profoundly influence the characteristics of datasets, the selection of volumes, and much more. In this session, we’ll discuss IGDSMSxx, the SYS1.PARMLIB member that controls DFSMS, along with the ALLOCxx, IGGCATxx, and DEVSUPxx members. We’ll talk about PARMLIB’s relationship to SMS, which of the hundreds of parameters are most important, and which are obsolete or can be ignored.
Attending a Webinar:
The DTS Webinars use the GoToWebinar™ software from LogMeIn, Inc. After registration, DTS will email you a meeting ID. Shortly before the scheduled DTS Webinar, you will receive an email with a unique link.
You do not need to pre-install any software prior to joining the meeting. GoToWebinar uses a web interface in your browser for the video portion of the meeting. A phone number will be provided for the audio stream. Note: You will participate as a guest of DTS Software – there is no cost to you or your company except for telephone charges.
Recorded Webinars:
The webinars are typically recorded and uploaded to the DTS website a few days after the live presentation. The following table lists all the DTS webinars sorted by date. To access recorded webinars for specific products, visit the product pages and select the Resources tab.